A common report I get from parents of Highly Sensitive children and teens is that the coping skills they introduce or learn from others (mentors, teachers, school counselors, previous therapists, etc.) are not effective during a meltdown. I hear frequently that these skills “don’t work” for their kiddo by the time a parent comes to seek support with me.
Highly Sensitive Children have specific needs when it comes to actually using the coping skills they are taught. Today we will recognize several barriers that impact your child’s ability to demonstrate the skills you want them to learn.

Your Child is Overwhelmed

Highly Sensitive Children are overwhelmed by their environment frequently. When they are upset and overwhelmed by their emotions, their ability to use the coping skill in the moment significantly decreases. That’s why prevention is so important.

Your HSC Feels More Shame

The same embarrassment and shame about feeling like a “bad kid” after the meltdown consumes your child during the meltdown. This is why using coping skills is such an internal struggle for your HSC. They constantly judge themselves for even needing it in the first place.

Your Child Needs Real-Life Practice

It is a totally different ballgame when your child uses coping skills when they are currently frustrated or upset, but not to the point of a meltdown. They are able to have a clear experience that this skill is effective, and that they are able to use it when they are upset. With that said, this requires poking the bear or timing it just right to get use of the skill in real time, and who wants to do that?!?

I do! 

My group for Highly Sensitive Children ages 7-10 starts in a few weeks. Your HSC will learn the skills to:

 decrease frustration and prevent meltdowns

calm the mind at school to prevent after school blow-ups

 beat shame to stop thinking they are a “bad kid”

 increase self-esteem and feel like they are not alone as a Highly Sensitive Child

 develop assertiveness skills to manage the urge to “be the boss” or the “fairness police” and to speak up when needed

Click the link below to learn more and apply for your child.